Tuesday, June 26, 2007

4009 by Ginko - 108 by Apez

I will test for you another bank, called Apez. They offer much more services than Ginko, including web banking, multiple accounts, payment to any avatar, automated payments for employers, and so on.

It is not clear what is their interest rate now, but I will give them a try. It is also good not to put all my L$ in a single bank, just in case. Will see how it goes on with them. I could also test SL-exchange, which seems to be the LL bank.

No new brilliant campsites found today, so I left JaneLight and JohnLight by Apfelland, each at 2 / 10 camping.

The group registration fee for "Free Money from JohnLight" is still 4 L$ a day.

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