Sunday, June 24, 2007

Camping by Apfelland - 4009 L$ by Ginko

As mentionned in previous post, Apfelland is a place with a lot of time unlimited 2 / 10 camping spots. I saw people here with more than 100 L$ earned, and still camping.

Leaving JaneLight and JohnLight there overnight, I earned 128 L$, but both client crashed. I don't know how the PC clients are doing, but the Mac clients are crashing all the time.

Anyway, I passed the 4'000 L$ step, so the fee to join the "Free Money from JohnLight" group is now 4L$. This is still a low ammount to get tips about the best payrates in Second Life, and be able to participate in a lottery with a 1'000'000 L$ price, isn'it ?

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