Sunday, June 3, 2007

Lots of news - 651.8 L$ by Ginko

In the morning, while I was having brunch with the family in real life, JohnLight was dancing in the Fabrik, on pads offering 5L$ / 15 minutes, limited to 1 hour / 20 L$. That time limitation is a pain, specially as robots are jumping on the pads as soon as they are free, so it was hard to find one, but then I was ok for one hour.

I had so 60 L$ there, and met with Greeneyes Snook. She helped me with the tattoo. I had to open the box before wearing it. So JohnLight is now wearing a polynesian tatoo.

Greeneyes also offered me help for anything else, so I've got a guardian angel now... thanks a lot Greeneyes ;-)

Then a Second Life camping dilemma shown up. I went to the Dance Dance pads, and they were almose free. I became instantly number 2. Pad 2 did not payed anything, but pad 1 is 7 L$ per 10 minutes, with a maximum of 200 L$... and the avatar on pad 1 had only 7 L$ by that time. So the choice was to stand here until av on pad 1 obtained the 200 L$ after four and a half hour to access pad 1 and have my own 200 L$ after an additionnal foud and a half hour, or go to a standard 1 L$ for 10 minutes pad. For the same time, the standard pay would pay 57 L$ only, but granted.

To solve the issue, I had a chat with the dancer on pad 1, Cyberelf Hifeng. She told me she would leave after about 2 hours, so after a general chat, I decided to leave JohnLight on pad 1, and went out in real life for a familly excursion.

Coming back hours later, I found JohnLight on pad 1 with 56 L$ made, and left him here until reaching 203 L$. What a good day ! While JohnLight was completing the 203 L$ on dance dance, I hat a chat again and learned that some people use alts, other SL accounts to have slave avatars camping for them. Why did I not think of that on my own ?

More management to do, but higher payrate... will see... may a JaneLight will join JohnLight soon. Finally I went back to Fabrik to earn some more while having lunch, but it was closed, so I left John on a standard 1 L$ / 10 minutes pad.

Some additional camping make me reach 651.8 L$ by Ginko. The computer will be turned off for the night... No overnight, but cooldown. May be a full day tomorrow, but I dislike to leave it on the whol day when I'm not at home.

Conclusions for today:
1) JohnLight has a tattoo
2) Two new friends offered help
3) 263 L$ earned camping... may be the 30 L$ / day basic hypothesis is too pessimistic... will see
4) Dance Dance are good if you find them empty, as after a long while the SL client becomes slow and unstable

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