Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Busy in RL today - 1432.71 by Ginko

I had a few minutes to manage JaneLight and JohnLight today, but they had a very satisfying camping... earning a total of 198 L$, by Platinum and on a 5 / 20 campsite.

Before doing my evening deposit by Ginko, I checked their work. Yesterday I had 1233.66 L$ by them, and today 1234.71, so 1.05 L$ per day, as promised. Good boys, my Linden Dollars pump is then started, one a day, with or without camping, connection, and so on.

Camping will continue overnight, at different spots. JaneLight is on the beach, whereas JohnLight is by Platinum. Both clients have been restarted recently, so everything should be fine.

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