Sunday, June 10, 2007

The rules of chance

I promised them for a while, here are the rules I set to introduce any luck / game mechanism in the process of earning money.

1) Don't play previous days income
This is to prevent any large scale financial crash. No one's going to a casino with a credit-card ! So the rule is not to get money out of Ginko to play it.
The consequence is "Camp first - play then"

2) Loose half of earnings
This is the first rule to know when to stop, on the bad side. Spending hours in camping only to loose everything is not worth, so after loosing half of the camping earnings, risky activity will stop, and the remaining half will go to Ginko

3) Save double earnings
This ruls is to know when to stop... on the good side. The idea is that when the camping earnings get doubled by games, it's also time to go to Ginko, and deposit what has been earned by luck. It is then possible to continue gaming with the original earnings, as far as rune 2 is respected. I hope this rule will apply frequently !

Now, let the luck come into the game... The total earnings available for the time being is 26 L$... we will see if they will end up in 13 or 52 !

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