Sunday, June 10, 2007

Double Camping - 1111.60 by Ginko

After few hours camping side by side, JaneLight and JohnLight earned a total of 95 L$, which went directly to Ginko. Don't want to risk them at black-jack or spolders. I could earn more, as the whole region crashed, but I got no notice, except that after a long time neither JaneLight or JohnLight had any increase.

With that deposit, I will earn exactly 1L$ per day in Ginko.

Double camping is efficient and easy, when the clients do not crash every 5 seconds. The other benefit is to leave one of them camping while the other one looks for new sites, or checks if already known sites with high payrates are available or not.

I'm thinking of publishing a list of my best campsites, but this could make them even more busier, so I don't know if it's a good thing or not.

Anyway, enough money for today, so no overnight planned.

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