Thursday, August 30, 2007

Group is good - Submarine camping

Yesterday, a member of "Free Money from JohnLight" shared one of its favorite camping places on the group. This is a new kind of camping location, as it is located under water ! The design is funny, as there are fishes, sharks and other sea animals moving around. We will see now for how long JohnLight can stay under water !

I will certainly publish the address of this 1L$ / 5 minutes here in a few days, to let the members of the group profit from it ! The last spot I published became saturated quickly after my post.

My normal computer is still not fixed, and the SL client crashed right now, as I'm composing this post... Camping is really hard with this old Mac, so I will probably take some time to explore new banks. I seriously envisage to move to another one on Saturday, so as to test many of them.


Anonymous said...

I've been camping at this underwater place & have found out it only gives $20 & then logs you out.

Not sure if you can log back in & make another $20 or if you have to wait until 24hrs later to get another $20.

Starfire Sands

JohnLight Raymaker said...

Hi Starfire,

thanks for the info. My old spare computer could not run the SL client long enough for me to find about this restriction.

JohnLight Raymaker said...

I checked it again today, and I can now confirm that the underwater camping gives a maximum of 24L$. You can however restart immediately, no daily restriction