Thursday, August 23, 2007

Stategy working, computer broken

For the time being, Midas is working as expected, generating 11L$ a day. It's not much, but it's easy money. According to my new strategy, the first intereste transfer to APEZ will take place on saturday.

I had only few minutes for the quest last days, but I could camp and gather some freebies. The lucky chairs are also sometimes giving money away, so it is a good way to earn quickly, but it requires supervision.

The concept of the JohnLight's shop is progressing. It will obviously include a donation box, but also a selling device with goodies for low prices. Stay tune for more info on it, and if you've a better name that "JohnLight's Shop" to propose, I'm open to anything via comments.

On top of the lack of time, my main computer broke down today, so I'm working with an older spare, which is slower. I'll have to have the main one fixed tomorrow.


Jenyca said...

I came up with a couple of names for your shop...
"The Price is Light"
"Let there be light"
"Light Fantastic"

:).. Really enjoying your journey. Thank you for sharing

JohnLight Raymaker said...

Hi Jenyca,

thanks a lot for the comment and the proposals. I like "The Price is Light", because it reflects both my identity, the price range of the shop to be, and the general mindset around it.

Thanks also for the general comment ;-)