Saturday, August 25, 2007

First interest transfer done - new bank ?

According to my new strategy, I went to Midas Bank today to withdraw the interests from my 10'000 L$ deposit, which were 54 L$ for 5 days. I transferred these 54 L$ by APEZ, where they won't generate any interest, but will be safe.

As every week, Midas defined a new interest rate, which is 0.16% daily, so I can expect 112 L$ until next saturday. I also received, via a comment, some information about a new bank offering 0.30% daily, and I'm waiting for additional contacts.


Doctor_Z said...

hi john. this is not pertaining to your current blog post but rather just enquiries. who or what is Mida/(s)? iknow that your two other avatars and APEZ but not Mida. could you tell me. I must say i am an avid reader of your blog :P

Doctor_Z said...

hi john this is me again zaidan voom. i exist in SL. the avatar or contact you are looking for is Investor Merlin. He is a nice fella. Do send mt regards if you see him. ;p

JohnLight Raymaker said...

Hi Zaidan,

thank you for the details, I'll try to catch with Investor Merlin asap. I guess after our chat in-world today, you found Midas...