Monday, July 30, 2007

Second Life under attack - LindenLab not telling the truth ?

For the best part of last two days, Second Life users have to cope with strong problems in the Linden Lab virtual world, including unability to teleport, to transfer money, to search for items, and so on.

This makes most of online activities impossible. No camping as money can't be transferred, no financial transaction, no copy of objects. All of the Sercond Life economy is blocked, and could collapse soon if this goes on !

Linden Lab reports on the official Second Life blog does not mention any cause, or specific problems. They just say they're working to solve it. This is not so usual, as normally the blog is much more detailled about what goes on, and what are the problems.

This silcence from Linden Lab, and their unability to solve the problems within reasonable time makes me think that they could be under attack from hackers. This hypothesis raises the questions who and why.

To me the answers are quite clear: gamblers, and casino owners, to protest against the stop of all gambling activities in SL ! As a revenge, or to blackmail Linden Lab, some gambling activists could try bringing it down. Remember, there were even demonstrations of protest in-world this week-end.

This hypothesis also explains why Linden Lab can not manage the problem by simply going back to a previous and more stable version. It also makes clear why they don't make any mention of the problems cause. Revealing such a vulnerability in their systems woud have a catastrophic effect on their business.

Can you imagine how bad it would be if the attackers could find a breach in the clients themselves, getting control over users computers ? It's clear that Linden Lab would not communicate on this !

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