Sunday, July 29, 2007

Opinion polls to earn money in Second Life

A common way of earning free lindens is to take part in opinion polls. There are even islands specialised in that, and this can generate lots of money.

I don't use them personally for two reasons. Firts it's needing some time, not like camping, and to be eligible to most of polls, you have to reside in the US, which is not my case.

Nevertheless, if you're interested in this activity, you will find a blog on this topic called Earn free lindens in SecondLife. I got this link via a member of "Free Money from JohnLight" group, so thanks again.

This afternoon I will give a refresh to the blog. Post number 100 is approaching, and I want to change a few items, I hope you will like it. You probaby already noticed that the posts are now signed "JohnLight Raymaker"...

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