Sunday, September 23, 2007

Shields up! There are monsters in Second Life (by Clyde Otsuka)

This is a guest post from Clyde Otsuka, about some attacks he underwent recently while camping. I personally never knew why the clients where sometimes crashing during camping sessions, and this could be part of the answer... Thank you Clyde for sharing the info.

"Recently, I have noticed that I get knocked off some very good camping spots. One time I was floating in gray space, other times, I would just be standing there, next to a cute girl. I asked some friends, and a very nice girl - Angelsky Shepard gave me two shields. She said to wear them when I camp. So, what the heck, I tried them.

Yesterday, while doing work on another computer, I noticed that my avatar had gone berserk! There were boxes flying around in a crazy pattern in a big circle.
The computer is new and high end, I wondered if the object was trying to crash the machine or the graphics card? When I checked it out, there was a huge octopus/squid creature hooked onto my shield. It was black, and pretty evil looking.

Taking a quick look around, I found a cute girl standing there, so I imed her.
She was from Italy, but spoke English. Evidently she had been given this object to knock people off camping spots that she wanted. I im-ed a few folks and they tped in and we had a long talk with her. She promised not to do it any more. I have her name. If anyone else runs into her doing this, we should probably report her?

A little more research, and I now have 4 shields. If anyone needs a set, please let me know, we seem able to give away copies.



Anonymous said...

Have you noticed the camp 'bots yet? One of my favourite spots got infested. At one point, I reckoned that that 4 of the six seats in a cluster were bots rather than people. I'm not talking about alternative personalities, like your Jane and John, but totally automated and unattended mock-avatars.

JohnLight Raymaker said...

Yes, I've heard and seen some bots, or avatars driven by camping scripts. This is why campsite frequently includes questions, to be sure the campers are genuine ones.

One of the most spectacular bot I saw was able to teleport right on a dancepad ! So its avatar was just appearing on the pad and started dancing immediately !

Anonymous said...

eek! ive not seen any octupi..but ill keep an eye out for em now:)
most of the 'bots' i see are at the wonder chairs.. which means the letters cycle faster.. hmmm- pros AND cons ;-) discuss

AS a side issue.. personally i think every av in SL should have fact why dont they 'come as standard'? what with all the tools available to griefers these days:)