Monday, October 8, 2007

No high yield deposit for me - Away from home

I have been waiting for days now, expecting to buy some 0.2% daily bonds from JTF. These have been anounced days ago, and I was thinking about how many I should buy, and so on...

But all of this has been canceled. JTF did issue the bonds, but they all sold within 5 hours, and I got no chance to get some, as I was offline by that time...

No change in my strategy then, I'll continue to camp and use my saving account. If any of you was lucky engough to get such bonds and wants to keep me informed, I'd be really happy.

Nothing else to report today, as I'm away from home on a business trip. I found an internet connection so I can go in-world (call me addicted...) and I will camp a bit this night. I also had time to meet Stroh Bing who had a surprise for me... but this is still a secret now. More on this later (call me teaser)...

1 comment:

onbewust said...

The JTIC Bonds have been put on trade, so you can still buy them, even cheaper than they were at IPO. Talking about good investment. :-)

-Rev. Chapman.