Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Real Life is taking over Second Life

These days my real life is just going crazy. Many changes are in the air, and managing it uses all my spare time, so I have no time left for camping. As I don't want to miss decisions that will impact the rest of my life for the next 10 years, priority is clearly to Real Life. I keep an eye to my SL Capital Exchange investments, and will place orders if good opportunities show up.

The challenge is not stopped. You can still support me by opening accounts using the ATM in the shop, or buying items from the shop. All financial products will also continue to work automatically, increasing my fortune slowly but certainly.

I'll try to update the blog regularly, and keep you informed when I will become more active again.


Anonymous said...

I am hearing the first rumblings from camp site owners about the new Search facilities on the new SL release candidates. It appears that 'traffic' is no longer as important as it was, which will decrease the motivation for business owners to boost their numbers with campers.

There could be lean times ahead for the unemployed.

Roxie Wingtips said...

Mr Oh by chance did you see that written somewhere? This is the first I have heard so I would like to read more about it.


Unknown said...

There is a Search facility on the new download of the client so I think Mr Oh has been proved right.

I personally am changing my SL business as we speak to adapt to leaner times and branching out into making clothing as I have noticed that less money is around and, this has been the case since August/September for me.

I am moving into property rentals and clothing and making Club Josephina lower key to ensure it survives this rocky period (which feels like it has lasted an eternity LOL).

Josephina Bonetto

Roxie Wingtips said...

Wow this is saddening news, it definitely affects my ideas for SL. I am debating opening a club any good tips/advice for someone debating this?

Not to spam my blog but I also am discussing my club plans on my blog too. he he sorry for the plug.

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