Saturday, June 30, 2007

Banned from Platinum !

Today both JaneLignt and JohnLight have been banned out of Platinum because of the post bout their rates ! So advertising them on the blog and saying that they they are one of the best campsite was not of their taste.

Let's go camping somewhere else then !

5082.67 L$ by Ginko

Nothing special to report. Weather was wonderful today, so I had only RL outdoor activities. I just started camping by Platinum in the morning, but then the region has been shut down, so when I came back home, I just had a very low ammount.

Nevertheless, the total is no2 5082.67 L$, so "Free Money from JohnLight" join fee is now 5 L$... still low given that members could get 1'000'000L$. Tomorrow and next week will be busy as well, I will even be away from home, so don't expect much.

Keep the group active, or join it if you're not a member yet.

Friday, June 29, 2007

When Platinum goes frenzy - 4862.24 L$ by Ginko

One more post that will continue the debate about the Platinum rates... Last night was good, as both JaneLight and JohnLight could camp there and no client crashed (Aleluja !), and the total for one night was... 172 L$ !

This corresponds to slightly more than 1L$ / 4'20'' ! I have no idea what factors are governing the money distribution by Platinum, but there are some hypothesis arround:

1) Number of people arround a table
2) Position of the table, centered or not
3) Position relatively to the money balls
4) Number of people by Platinum

Another point to note, I did not mention recently, but the deposit by Ginko is now producing 6.32 L$ a day.

JohnLight's landmarks book VI - 1L$ / 5 minutes camping

A dozen 1L$ / 5 minutes campsites are available arround a big fire at Jiminy 172, 110, 106. They also run a SL trivia.

Camping seems to be unlimited in time. This spot has been transmitted on the "Free Money from JohnLight" group already yesterday, so join it for first hand, best time info.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

No major news - 4684.15 L$ by Ginko

I'm having a very busy week at work, so not much time to try finding new places. I know this must be a bit frustrating for you, reader, but that's the rule, RL as higher priority than SL.

Nevertheless, I published a new campsite on the group today, offering 1 L$ / 5 minutes. It will be here soon, but priority to members of the "Free Money from JohnLight" group, so they get directly in-world news.

The group joining fee is still 4L$, so profit from it, you will may be win the million in the end.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

About Platinum rates

There have been lots of discussions recently by Platinum and in the group, about the payrate by Platinum, is it good / enough / satisfactory / rubbish ?

So to take the discussions a step ahead, I extracted the transactions that occured on my accounts during a camping session of about 6 hours. Here is the graph of what JaneLight and JohnLight did earn by Platinum, at the during the same period.

There are some lessons to learn from these data. First, the rate is by far not constant over time. The average over this period is about 1L$ / 11 minutes for JaneLight, and 1L$ / 14 minutes for JohnLight.

But if you look at the first hour, JaneLight received 15 L$, whereas JohnLight made only 5 L$. So the number of people present certainly have an influence, but it is by far not the only factor.

You can also see that when JohnLight is earning a lot, JaneLight is doing less, so the rate fluctuates individually.

Any comment welcome.

Apez is not a savings bank

Apez offers a lot of banking services, including periodical payments, multiple and shared accounts, services for shops, and so on.

But, and for me this is a big BUT (refer to my posts about the interests), they do not offer any interest on the money you deposit by them.

So as the only thing I need is interests to reach the 1'000'000 L$ quickly, I will move all my money by Ginko.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

4009 by Ginko - 108 by Apez

I will test for you another bank, called Apez. They offer much more services than Ginko, including web banking, multiple accounts, payment to any avatar, automated payments for employers, and so on.

It is not clear what is their interest rate now, but I will give them a try. It is also good not to put all my L$ in a single bank, just in case. Will see how it goes on with them. I could also test SL-exchange, which seems to be the LL bank.

No new brilliant campsites found today, so I left JaneLight and JohnLight by Apfelland, each at 2 / 10 camping.

The group registration fee for "Free Money from JohnLight" is still 4 L$ a day.

Silly silly silly ME !

I foud the most efficient way to LOSE money today. Every morning, before starting the camping, I transfer what JaneLight earned to JohnLight, and then he goes to Ginko for the daily deposit.

While rushing throuh coffee and other stuff, I made it... and I did not selected the good line in the "Friends" window... so the 75 L$ payment went to someone else !! Can I be this stupid ? Apparently yes.

I sent a couple of IM to the lucky winner, but never got an answer... I will wait one or two days, and if he do not refund me, I will consider those 75L$ as lost. But I'm optimistic.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Beware of update !

Linden Lab published a client update this morning. I hope this will solve the memory leaks and frequent client crashes (I don't know about PC clients, but the Mac client is not so stable). But after downloading it, I found out that the anti-idle trick (Ctrl - Alt - D / Client / Character / Character Test / Go away - afk when idle) was disabled again, I had to redo it !

More about the group

I'm actually quite proud of what is going on with the "Free Money from JohnLight". Many active members joined it, and they share all their campsite and free money tips together... and with me.

Thanks to them I found a new place working a bit like Platinum, and I'm testing it now... it will be published here soon, but I prefer to keep it in the group for the time being, as a privilege. And also to encourage non-members to join.

Remind that by joining you will get all those tips before I publish them here, and you will also be able to take part in the final lottery to win the 1'000'000 L$ ! And the fee to join the group is defined as 1/1000 of my present fortune, so it can only increase !

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Camping by Apfelland - 4009 L$ by Ginko

As mentionned in previous post, Apfelland is a place with a lot of time unlimited 2 / 10 camping spots. I saw people here with more than 100 L$ earned, and still camping.

Leaving JaneLight and JohnLight there overnight, I earned 128 L$, but both client crashed. I don't know how the PC clients are doing, but the Mac clients are crashing all the time.

Anyway, I passed the 4'000 L$ step, so the fee to join the "Free Money from JohnLight" group is now 4L$. This is still a low ammount to get tips about the best payrates in Second Life, and be able to participate in a lottery with a 1'000'000 L$ price, isn'it ?

JohnLight's landmarks book VI -Apfelland

For those of you who don't speak German, this means "Apple Land", and it is crowded with two things: german speaking avatars, and tons of 2L$ per 10 minutes camping spots.

You can access it by searching "Apfelland" in the "Map".

Something unexpected on the group

Today while as was having dinner in real life, something I loved happened on the group "Free Money from JohnLight". I did not read all of it (no, I'm not having dinner in front of the Mac, but in front of my beloved wife) but basically a new member joined, and a discussion about how to earn free lindens occured. Some members introduced kind of a hud displaying ads, from which I never heard before.

So apparently the group can help its members to earn more free linden dollars without my own intervention ! In term of social study, this is called "emergence", meaning that the force / intelligence or a group is more than the sum of its individual forces.

I like this, and encourage all group members to use it to share their knowledge. However please reserve the group for this sole usage, and remember that this group is not adult rated.

How to loose 20 L$ quickly

After earning more than 220 L$ camping, I decided to put 200 L$ by Ginko, and have the rest "at risk" in games. First black-jack... for 20 L$, so all in one shot.

Got 20 ! Obviouly I did stand... but dealer had 21. Bloody black-jack.

Back to Platinum for more camping. No more comment.

JaneLight's new look

From the beginning, I've not been concerned at all by the look of my avatars. I did not wanted to spend time, and certainly not money, to have glamourous avatars.

This changed today, as the Platinum Management decided to offer JaneLight a new look, via a skin, and a super black dress... So please meet the new JaneLight, with her new Platinum Skin and Dress.

You can say this post is an advert for platinum, or cross-financing or anything else. I never said that I won't have any commercial deal in my goal to reach the 1'000'000 L$ !

And I'm making sooo much money by Platinum these days, it is just ok to advertise their products, especially as they are good looking !

Saturday, June 23, 2007

JohnLight's landmarks book V - The 10L$ / 15 minutes dancecages

The famouse dandecages I told a lot about already, and which were notified to the group friday evening as an "avant-première" info are located in Technocity (197, 103, 23).

They are temporarily off at the time of publishing the message, but some of the group members could profit from it.

Want to join the group ? Feel free, it's called "Free Money from JohnLight", and the join fee is 3L$ for the time, but it will increase as it's defined as 1/1000th of my present fortune. Also remind that when I will have the million, it will be the prize of a lottery reserved to members of the group.

Post number 50 - A summary - 3478.98 by Ginko

Can you beleive that ? This post is already number 50 ! I think this is a good opportunity to summarize a bit all what happend within the last weeks.

I started to collect money in Second Life with the objective of reaching 1'000'000 Linden Dollars with no effort, or at least a minimal effort only. After finding different camping sites, and a very few tests with chance games, I'm now at 3478.98 L$.

The initial hypothesis was 30 L$ per day as an average, and I'm well above that, so I will may be redo some of the basic calculations to provide a new target date.

In between I also founded a SL group, its name is "Free Money from JohnLight". The members get two privileges: at first they get informed about my best camping spot imediately, and when I find great opportunities like the 10 L$ / 15 minutes campsite yestrday, I give location to the group members before publishing it here.

The second benefit group member do get is the ability to participate later in a lottery and thus have a chance to win the 1'000'000 L$ after I collected it. So if you want your chance of winning it, join the "Free Money from JohnLight" group.

My yesterday camping in the 10 / 15 dancecages finished with both JaneLight and JohnLight with a total of 90 L$, as this is the max the cages give. By luck JaneLight's client crashed after she got the 90 L$.

I was out the whole day as one club I belong to had its open day, and I vonlunteered for that. But I could place both avatars camping by platinum, so by the end, the total ammount (cages + day camping) was 553 L$ ! Not bad for about 16 hours !

Friday, June 22, 2007

JohnLight's landmarks book IV - Platinum world

As I mentionned in my previous post, and to the members of the SL group "Free Money from JohnLight", there is a new instance of Platinum Island, which is still one of the top campsites.

You can find it through the "Map" picture, by looking for a region called "Platinum World". It has the same random characteristics as Platinum Island, but as it's less known and less crowdy, the income changes are much higher.

You think knowing that is good ? But you're actually late. I found it out two days ago, but the members of the group know it immediately ! Want to join ? Please do !

The group members already know the address of the 10L$ / 15 minutes campsite I found today. I will post it here tomorrow... or later.

New camping spot... 10L$ per 15 minutes !

Is not that good ?

When I found it, and after I could put JohnLight on it, I immediately warned the members of the "Free money from JohnLight" group, so they could also profit from it, even before publication on this blog, which will take place on sunday... probably.

Is not that a good reason to join the group, before the join fee increases ? Remined that the join fee is always a 1/1000th of my fortune, so it will change from 2 to 3L$ soon. And members of the group will later get a chance to win my million in lottery.

So now both JaneLight and JohnLight will camp there, and as this afternoon camping already made 140 L$ by Platinum world (you know the new platinum), the results could be good, if the clients do not crash. See that in tomorrow's post.

In my next post, the address of Platinum world.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

The million will go to YOU !

Yes, you read it correctly. I decided that by the end of my experiment (to earn 1'000'000 L$), this million will go to you. Or to one of you to be more precise. And to be fully precise, I will start a lottery machine, which will be accessible only to the members of the group "Free Money From JohnLight".

This would be quite an attractive machine, as the bet would be very low (probably below 10 L$), and the possible gain will be 1'000'000 L$.

I have to work a bit on the exact rules, but be sure of this, the million will go to a group member, and group joining fee will increase with time, to remain about 1 / 1000th of my fortune anytime.

So... join now, it's still 2 L$ to join, but as soon as I will reach 3'000 L$ fortune, the joining fee will be 3 L$ !

Today camping bring 161 L$ more - 2787.56 L$ total by Ginko

Quite standard camping, apart from some testing a casino, on a 5L$ / 10 minutes campchair.

Once activated, it gives you five cycles, so a total of 25 L$ within 50 minutes, but to activate it you have to play a slot machine, which costs 10 L$. In my case I lost these 10 L$, so the total was only 15 L$ / 50 minutes.

Then you have to replay to reactivate the chair, so this is not something that can be used daylong, as the macs are at my home, and I was in my office all day.

JohnLight's landmarks book III - Number guessing

I mentionned a couple of time a free game where you have to guess a number between 1 and 100 in six attemps, by proposing numbers and having answers like "Too high" / "Too low".

This is not giving any money for nothing, you have to play the game, which needs more activity than camping, but it gives you 1 L$ each time you win, which is quite easy.

If you stay concentrated, you should be able to get about 1 L$ per 2 minutes.

This games can be found in Meyers (136, 27, 30).

Have fun !

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

New Ginko rate - 2623.15 L$ by Ginko

Total camping bring 73 L$ more by Ginko. It appears that the new rate of 0.13% per day comes from a Ginko change (it was 0.09% a day before), so that's good for me !

I also figured out what I will do with the million once I will have it, but shhhhhhh, this is still a secret for the time being. Stay tuned, because it could become your million !

More on that later, both JohnLight and JaneLight camping by Platinum again, which is definetly the best camping spot for the time being.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

A group is born

If you like this blog, you will enjoy my new group even more. I created a group in SL, called "Free Money from JohnLight Raymaker".

I will use it as a way to inform members about interesting campsites, where they are, and give instant info when I find new ones, particularly if they're free, or to announce when there are special ways for quick and easy money. This will be much more efficient than putting addresses here, which I will nevertheless continue.

So, join it, you'll get all my best tips, live from SL !

The double Platinum effect !

I found out a new advantage today by Platinum... additionally to the random payment for coffee shop campers, they offer now "camping jobs", so you can garden or clean windows for 1 or 2 L$ per 10 minutes, and still be eligible for the random bonus ! So best of both worlds... JohnLight will garden there for the day !

Monday, June 18, 2007

Quick quick post - 2544.30 L$ by Ginko

That was quicker than expected ! The avatar on pad one left eariler, and JaneLight client crashed (again)... so this morning I found JaneLight with 40 L$, and JohnLight with 230 L$. A quick jump by Ginko, and my balance is now 2544.30, with an interest rate of 0.1% daily now, so 2.54 L$ per day.

I don't know if Ginko just changed its rate (it was 0.09% before) or if it is because my fortune increased and passed a threshold.

So I'll be out all day, no camping. Both CPU deserve a good cooling phase, don't they ?

Could be lucky...

While I was moving JaneLight arround to some places for which she received landmarks when sitting by Platinum, I found a dance dance (you know, those pyramids of dancepads, like in Oceania), limited to 200 L$ (whereas it is now 150 by Oceania), and it was nearly empty. So for the time being JaneLight is on pad 2, and JohnLight on pad 3. If there is no crash in betwee, I should get 400 L$ in about... 18 hours ! So double overnight, and whole day camping tomorrow.

This is good as I'll be on a business trip tomorrow, unable to do any SL... but no way to supervise them, so any crash would lead to a low earning.

Don't expect any post tomorrow for the same reason.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Nothing special to report - 2272.03 L$ by Ginko

As mentionned in the title, noting particular to report. I was busy in RL for most of the day, just having JaneLight and JohnLight doing some camping / dancing.

More addresses, tips and strategies in the next days.

With the total deposit by them, the Ginko daily interest is now 2.27 L$ a day.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Overnight camping - 2055.88 L$ by Ginko

Standard camping overnight, standard disconnection, because "the simulator you're using will go offline"... whatever that means. Both JaneLight and JohnLight have been disconnected, after total earnings of 52 L$. JaneLight was on a new pad I found, paying 2 L$ per 10 minutes, and JohnLight was by Platinum.

Busy today, so I start the campers, but will have very low time to monitor them. Will see.

Top it off, please - 2002.08 L$ by Ginko

Stopping so close to 2000 L$ this morning was just too frustrating, so I had a short camping while going for some late shopping with my wife, just enough time for JohnLight to earn 5 Lindens, so my total fortune my Ginko is now 2002.08 L$ !

2 done... 998 thousands to go !

My goals for the coming week-end are to do as many as passive camping as possible, but I will have a very busy week-end involving a birthday party, and much more, so no time to relaunch and monitor the SL clients.

If I have enough time, I will may be also post a summary of what went on since I started this challenge, and an updated strategy as the L$30 / day is definitively too pessimistic.

Going back to RL now.

JohnLight's landmarks book II - Skye dancepads

These are the pads on which you can earn up to L$150, by slowly progressing. I sometimes refferred to them as "Dance Dance" in earlier pods. This is where I met Josephina, and that one of her favorite places.

These are located on Oceania.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

JaneLight and the pimp

As promised, here is the story of JaneLight's encounter with a virtual pimp.

While she was camping by Platinum, JaneLight received an instant message from solotke Voom (yes man, your name goes public now... had to think of that before) who asked her if she needed a pimp ! Not even a hello or something, but this very direct question.

Instead of just ignoring him, I asked for his offer, and he said someting like "20% for you, 80% for me". Not so fair. So my reply has been "90% for me, 10% for you, minimum 10'000 L$ per 'customer'"... to which he agreed !

I did obviously not wanted to starte JaneLight a career in sex industry, but I saw an opportunity. I asked solotke Voom to pay JaneLight immediately 10'000 L$, as a proof of its seriousness, before going any futher in that business. Apparently, this solotke Voom is either poor, or amateur (both are not so good for a pimp, or pimp to be...). He just payed JaneLight one Linden.

So, no big fortune increase, but that was strange / interesting / weired / surprising / shocking to discuss with such a guy... and in the end, that was one more Linden.

Short update - 1997.08 by Ginko

Night was partly good, JaneLight crashed again, total earnings 84 L$. By putting that by Ginko, I reach 1997.08 ! 2.92 L$ short of objective. I will probably find some camping time this evening to achieve the 2000 L$ objective, or Ginko will do it over the week-end (1.8 L$ interest a day) I only JaneLight did not lost 10 L$ in sploders yesterday...

I Know I promissed the pimp story, and I will write it down later on today.

No camping, both CPU will have a time to cool down, one of the laptops has been on for four days in a row.

Evening deposit - 1911.36 L$ by Ginko

After some evening camping while working on website updates, I made a 119 L$ deposit by Ginko.

JaneLight had some play with 5L$ sploders by platinum, but she lost 10 L$ in them.

She also had an interesting short chat with a man who introduced himself as a pimp... more on that tomorrow. It's bed time here (RL wise...). JaneLight and JohnLight will camp by Platinum (by far my favorite campsite now) for the night.

The macs will be off tomorrow for personal reasons, so no camping at all tomorrow.

Objective (not so easy as week-end will probably be away from home) is 2'000 L$ before sunday evening.

JohnLight's landmarks book I - Bench paying 2L$ / 8 minutes

Three such benches are located at Gariepy 81, 176, 404

They are quite busy, and limited to 20 L$ (1h20)

The hourly rate is 15 L$ per hour

JohnLight's landmarks book - Intro

As promised, I will give some adresses of the best campsites I use in my quest. I thought about it for a while, because this could lead to three effects:

1) The campsites will become saturated, and I could no longer profit from them. Bad.

2) The campsites will become more popular, and so encourage their owners to develop their business, leading to more camping site available. Good.

3) No consequences as this blog is not so influent.

I finally decided that scenarii 2 and 3 are the most probable, so I will start to publish my favorite camping sites.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The good part of maintenance - 1792.36 by Ginko

My first reaction yesterday when I saw that maintenance interrupted my long camping session while I was working was quite bad... but later on I found out a way to profit from it.

Linden Lab announced the scheduled end time of maintenance, and they were in fact slightly ahead of their schedule. I could reconnect 15 minutes before the announced end of maintenance, and found a nearly desert second life world.

As a consequence, all my favorite (i.e. best payout rate) camping spots were availabe... except the #1 dancepads at Skye. One of them was even occupied by Josephina, who had the same idea. Anyway, both JaneLight and JohnLight could have a good 2 L$ / 8 minutes camping session.

After that I put them by Platinum for the night, and so I could this morning deposit 280 L$ by Ginko.

One more full day camping attempt today, by Platinum.

Long term question - what to do after ?

A simple question popped up today... assume I acheive my goal and reach one million Linden Dollar... what will be next then ?

What could I do with that million ?
Invest in other project ?
Put all of it in a sploder ?
Become kind of sponsor ?
Convert all of it in cash ?
Leave it by Ginko for more interests ?
Give it all to a friend ?
... ?

Will see... but first step will be to earn it, isnt'it ?

Three quarter of a success

Today is still not THE camping day... everything was fine, both JaneLight and JohnLight were earning regularly by Platinum with no intervention from my side (quite normal as I was not present...) when the grid went down for maintenance, from 6am to 12pm (SL time). In my local time, this corresponds to 3pm to 9pm, so camping will probably resume then.

The total earning for this partial camping day is 144 L$, so quite good. Given the average earnings of the last days, I should may be review the basic hypothesis of 30 L$ a day, which now seems a bit pessimistic... I'm quite ahead of my schedule, and will do some additional maths to confirm all of that.

No change in my Ginko total, as I could not put the last earnings in, nor a list of good camping spots, as I can not access my inventory. More on that later.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

One more night camping - 1511.00 L$ by Ginko

This time, only one of the macs crashed because of the Second Life client excessive memory consumption... I'm wondering if this memory leak is not LindenLab ultimate IDLE protection ;-)

Anyway, JaneLight and JohnLight generated a total of 77 Linden Dollars which I put by Ginko.

Today could be the big Platinum Camping Day. I double crosschecked that the anti-idle is set on both macs, and posted the avatars by Platinum... so let see if I forgot something or not...

Have to go to RL job now.

About the anti-idle

The anti-idle I explained in a previous post was:

ctrl-alt-D to display the "client" and "server" menu
choose Character in the client menu, then character tests
uncheck Go away / AFK when idle

appears to have some restrictions:
1) It is per client and per account
2) It must be redone after each client crash / forced exit

So I advise the users to do it after each connection, to avoid any bad surprises. This is my own experience talking.

My list of camping sites will come soon on this blog...

Busy in RL today - 1432.71 by Ginko

I had a few minutes to manage JaneLight and JohnLight today, but they had a very satisfying camping... earning a total of 198 L$, by Platinum and on a 5 / 20 campsite.

Before doing my evening deposit by Ginko, I checked their work. Yesterday I had 1233.66 L$ by them, and today 1234.71, so 1.05 L$ per day, as promised. Good boys, my Linden Dollars pump is then started, one a day, with or without camping, connection, and so on.

Camping will continue overnight, at different spots. JaneLight is on the beach, whereas JohnLight is by Platinum. Both clients have been restarted recently, so everything should be fine.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Busy RL day - 1233.66 L$ by Ginko

No time for Second Life today, except start camping in the morning, and stop in the evening. Total by JohnLight and JaneLight: 121 L$ (could have been much more if only I had re-activated Jane's anti-idle !)

All camping by Platinum, their rates are really strange, more on this later on.

1233.66 by Ginko, paying 1.11 L$ per day in interests.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Double Camping - 1111.60 by Ginko

After few hours camping side by side, JaneLight and JohnLight earned a total of 95 L$, which went directly to Ginko. Don't want to risk them at black-jack or spolders. I could earn more, as the whole region crashed, but I got no notice, except that after a long time neither JaneLight or JohnLight had any increase.

With that deposit, I will earn exactly 1L$ per day in Ginko.

Double camping is efficient and easy, when the clients do not crash every 5 seconds. The other benefit is to leave one of them camping while the other one looks for new sites, or checks if already known sites with high payrates are available or not.

I'm thinking of publishing a list of my best campsites, but this could make them even more busier, so I don't know if it's a good thing or not.

Anyway, enough money for today, so no overnight planned.

Something free - yes yes, artwork

I know I said I would not spend to much time in Second Life social activity, but here is a link to a website where you can found Josephina artwork...

And guess what ? I'm doing it for free ! Jo was helpful, and is a cool person, so yes, even me, millionaire to be, money man, is doing things for free for my friends.

Say hello to Jane

While JohnLight is sunbathing for 5L$ / 10 minutes, I created JaneLight, as a standard Girl next door... no time to loose on that now.

The good new is that she did not had to redo all of the basic training stuff, you know move, fly, search, wear, ...

Now she's sunbathing beside John... and she obviously got her Media-ball, so she is one of John's N-1

Aren't they cute ?

Guess what ? 13 L$ more by Ginko - 1016.60 by Ginko

That was damn quick !

Starting with 26 L$, JohnLight has been "protected" by rule number 2 !

After a dozen of blackjack (stand at 18), the fortune was 23 L$, nearly a draw.

He moved then to a magic ball offering 2.3 times the bet if you guess the correct number between 1 and 3, so 1/3 change to multiply L$10 by 2.3... He lost that one, so the total was L$13, and I applied rule 2 ! May be not the best game to play when having only 23 L$ left !

He's camping again, at 5 / 20... while I will create JaneLight's account.

The rules of chance

I promised them for a while, here are the rules I set to introduce any luck / game mechanism in the process of earning money.

1) Don't play previous days income
This is to prevent any large scale financial crash. No one's going to a casino with a credit-card ! So the rule is not to get money out of Ginko to play it.
The consequence is "Camp first - play then"

2) Loose half of earnings
This is the first rule to know when to stop, on the bad side. Spending hours in camping only to loose everything is not worth, so after loosing half of the camping earnings, risky activity will stop, and the remaining half will go to Ginko

3) Save double earnings
This ruls is to know when to stop... on the good side. The idea is that when the camping earnings get doubled by games, it's also time to go to Ginko, and deposit what has been earned by luck. It is then possible to continue gaming with the original earnings, as far as rune 2 is respected. I hope this rule will apply frequently !

Now, let the luck come into the game... The total earnings available for the time being is 26 L$... we will see if they will end up in 13 or 52 !

I'm a killionaire - 1003.6 by Ginko

The last camping sessions allowed JohnLight to earn 51 L$, so the new total by Ginko is 1003.6 L$ ! So I'm killionaire, 1000 times this, and I will be millionaire.

JohnLight also got kind of a "job", as he has now a mediaball. Basically the mediaball is like a mini-satellite turning arround his head, allowing three possibilities:
1) Display my own message
2) Display a butterfly
3) Display a message defined by the mediaball system (normally offering a job)

Each time someone clicks the ball and takes a copy of it, it becomes JohnLight's N-1, and if someone gets the ball of the N-1, he becomes JohnLight's N-2. Then, if an N-1 / N-2 uses the butterfly, its own advert or changes his ball color, JohnLight gets paid. Until now, JohnLight has got one N-1 and one N-2... and that silly ball revolving arround him.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Long long day - 951.74 by Ginko

The total camping of today produced 55 L$ that I put by Ginko... I'm now close to the 1000 L$ symbolic limit, which will also mean 1 L$ interest per day by Ginko.

I could not crosscheck the platinum payrate, as a dozen of SL client crashes ! When SL became stable again, my anti-idle activated via the menus (see previous posts) was disabled again... that is mysterious... may be the grid was overloaded and Linden Lab changed something.

I've also been interrupted in my camping by someone (apparently a stripteaser) who found the tattoo beautyfull, and wanted to buy it ! We defined a price of 60 L$, but he had to save some money, so the transaction is on stand-by for the time being.

Josephina bought her land to open an art-gallery, and she's preparing it. More on that when it will open.

I'm close to end with the definition of rules for using luck games in my quest to the million L$, I will publish them here soon, as well as a list of good campsites.

Friday, June 8, 2007

Overnight new - 896.74 L$ by Ginko

The overnight in Platinum Coffee shop gave good results. I left JonhLight there with 16 L$ and found him back with 70... fair enough, isnt'it ?

There are two strange things there:

1) the camping rate is not published and the payed bonuses seem to be randon

2) you get payd immediately, not when standing up

As I've tons of RL things to do today, I will leave JohnLight there, and then look at the transactions record.

After puting the 70 L$ by Ginko, I reach nearly 900 L$, so I could may be reach my first thousand L$ this week-end ! And at the same time, Ginko interest rate will reach 1 L$ / day.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Better luck - 826 L$ by Ginko

The last overnight was partially successful. The new camp site I put JonhLight on is apparently limited to 20 L$, which is fair enough.

So I found him this morning with a total of 47 L$, the sum of the night, plus some camping of yesterday evening whil I was having other RL activities. My total by Ginko is now 826 L$ and interests are 0.74 L$ a day.

I started establishing rules about games and luck activities, to avoid loosing everything with those things.

The wheel is turning...

After all the crashes / maintenance / bugs, I had today a thunderstorm breaking down my Internet connection ! Moreover, the Dance Dance limited now tht total payed to a dancer to 150 L$ instead of 200 !

On the plus side, I found a 2 L$ per 8 minutes camping spot that seems unlimited, so JohnLight had some camping, and earned the daily 30 L$, and will have an overnight attemp... again.

Do you remember Josephina ? She told be that she created and alt, and she uses two PCs... by luck, I've got two Macs, so may be JaneLight will soon appear...

More about the overnight results tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

No more unsupervised camping

Once again, the camping while watching TV / spending evening with family failed. JohnLight has just been pushed out or something like that, so no overnight or daylong camping today...

My new policy will be to camp while doing other business on the net, or eventually when having dinner in the middle of other internet activity, but that's it.

Minimal day

After all the maintenance problem, I made a minimum of camping and got 36 L$ while managing other websites and having dinner. I did not went to Ginko as I found a good stand on a Dance Dance... and I plan an over-evening while watching TV tonight with familly.

I met Patking Miles while camping. We had some discussions about camping, and prices of things. According to her (hey Pat, here are your minutes of glory), a skin is worth up to 1000 L$, and having rich friends could help JohnLight to get richer... but that's hard social work.

The idea of creating / selling items becomes stronger and stronger, but I also have to read about land cost / benefit, as its hard to sell without a shop ;-)

Patking also found the polynesian tattoo so ugly she gave me some free stuff that were left over in her inventory... so may be new screenshots of JRL to come.

Bad bad luck - No more unsupervised camping

Can you beleive that ? After the failed overnight camping, I decided to give that technique a last chance. So I put JohnLight on a Dance Dance, and went to work... only to found out later that there was grid maintenance, so the full day of dancing has been lost.

Three times no chance, no more long periods of camping for me. I will leave JohnLight dancing when I'm working, but that's it !

More later on daily earnings... if any.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Linden Lab - Please update the client - L$741.63 by Ginko

I left JohnLight for an overnight, given the bad results of yesterday... but this time the client crashed, and he earned "only" 55 L$ on dancepads. It's still more than my daily objective, but it could have been much more... The only good thing is that as you can be payed when not online, it is not a total loss.

So I guess that for the time being, I will stop overnight stays and too long non-supervised camping, until LindenLab will upgrade the clients. From some discussions I had with friends, I'm not the only one complaining about the crashes / memory leaks in the client.

My total fortune by Ginko is now 741.36 L$, and I will soon reach the 1L$ per day interest...

Still thinking of JaneLight, and may be to buy some land, but I must first study the pricing / earning model relating to land.

Bloody Second Life Client

I wanted to have a full day of camping, with my old PC... so I installed SL on it, and left to go working.

But the anti-idle trick I gave in a previous post does not affect a specific account, but a specific client... so when I came back after a full day of work, JohnLight did earn only 3 L$. So he will now have an overnight.

Update on the credit tomorrow morning (UTC).

Monday, June 4, 2007

Short short day - 685.39 by Ginko

Very low time available for Second Life today. Just made 33 L$ by camping.

No overnight planned, I'm afraid that my cat would attack the Mac if I leave it on.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Lots of news - 651.8 L$ by Ginko

In the morning, while I was having brunch with the family in real life, JohnLight was dancing in the Fabrik, on pads offering 5L$ / 15 minutes, limited to 1 hour / 20 L$. That time limitation is a pain, specially as robots are jumping on the pads as soon as they are free, so it was hard to find one, but then I was ok for one hour.

I had so 60 L$ there, and met with Greeneyes Snook. She helped me with the tattoo. I had to open the box before wearing it. So JohnLight is now wearing a polynesian tatoo.

Greeneyes also offered me help for anything else, so I've got a guardian angel now... thanks a lot Greeneyes ;-)

Then a Second Life camping dilemma shown up. I went to the Dance Dance pads, and they were almose free. I became instantly number 2. Pad 2 did not payed anything, but pad 1 is 7 L$ per 10 minutes, with a maximum of 200 L$... and the avatar on pad 1 had only 7 L$ by that time. So the choice was to stand here until av on pad 1 obtained the 200 L$ after four and a half hour to access pad 1 and have my own 200 L$ after an additionnal foud and a half hour, or go to a standard 1 L$ for 10 minutes pad. For the same time, the standard pay would pay 57 L$ only, but granted.

To solve the issue, I had a chat with the dancer on pad 1, Cyberelf Hifeng. She told me she would leave after about 2 hours, so after a general chat, I decided to leave JohnLight on pad 1, and went out in real life for a familly excursion.

Coming back hours later, I found JohnLight on pad 1 with 56 L$ made, and left him here until reaching 203 L$. What a good day ! While JohnLight was completing the 203 L$ on dance dance, I hat a chat again and learned that some people use alts, other SL accounts to have slave avatars camping for them. Why did I not think of that on my own ?

More management to do, but higher payrate... will see... may a JaneLight will join JohnLight soon. Finally I went back to Fabrik to earn some more while having lunch, but it was closed, so I left John on a standard 1 L$ / 10 minutes pad.

Some additional camping make me reach 651.8 L$ by Ginko. The computer will be turned off for the night... No overnight, but cooldown. May be a full day tomorrow, but I dislike to leave it on the whol day when I'm not at home.

Conclusions for today:
1) JohnLight has a tattoo
2) Two new friends offered help
3) 263 L$ earned camping... may be the 30 L$ / day basic hypothesis is too pessimistic... will see
4) Dance Dance are good if you find them empty, as after a long while the SL client becomes slow and unstable

First overnight on Dance Dance - 376.8 L$ by Ginko... and a tattoo

JohnLight had its first overnight on a Dance Dance series of dancepads. I left him (it) on pad 9, and found him back on pad 2, with 13 more L$. Unfortunately, the bloddy SL client crashed before JohnLight could reach the 7L$ / 10 minutes pad 1... Probably a memory leak, because the whole computer was really slow after the night.

Two lessons from that: 1) the anti-idle works, but not for too long times because of the client stability, 2) the Dance Dance a not such a good deal because you spend lot of time dancing for nothing.

I found now a dance-club called "Fabrik", which is run by a french couple, and they offer 5 L$ / 15 minutes. JohnLight will be here for the day probably, while I will go in first life activities.

I also tested a lucky chair. These chairs give prices to avatars with a name starting with a randomly selected letter. I stood by three of them for a short while, and when one of them elected to give prize to names starting with a J, I sat down and received my prize: a polynesian whole body tattoo... no money :-( The worst thing is that I don't know yet how to put it on JohnLight. I will probably sell it to any credible avatar.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Josephina and the anti-idle

During my last camping session, I met Josephina Bonetto, which share some of my goals. We exchanged some camping addresses, and then she mentionned that she has got an "anti-idle" ball, allowing her to camp infinitely without being disconnected for inactivity... quite handy, isn't it ?

After some searches, I found out a much simpler (and free) way to remain connected without activity. In you Second Life client, press "ctrl-alt-D" (proably for "Debug"). Two new menus (client and server) will then appear.

In client, select "Character -> Character tests -> and uncheck the "go away/afk when idle" item.

You can then remain connected as long as you want without being disconnected even if idle for more than 30 minutes.

Apparently JohnLight will camp a lot....

End of camping - 334.5 L$ by Ginko

End of the camping and thinking session, while watching the NZL vs. FRA rugby match...

An important thing while camping (stay somewhere and be payed on base of time spent) is to be able to calculate the hourly rate.

Do you prefer camping at 2 L$ per 12 minutes, or 5 L$ per 20 minutes ? So ? 20 L$ per 20 minutes is better, you're right.

I earn 37 L$ for the time today, so above the 30 L$ daily objective, and it's still morning here.

Going back to my first life...

Friday, June 1, 2007

Do the maths while sunbathing at 5 L$ for 20 minutes

I just found a new camping site, paying 5L$ for 20 minutes to lie on a towel by the beach... quite a nice place to be, isn't it ?

So while JohnLight is getting suntanned in Second Life, I made some calculations, to see how much time is needed to reach the million Linden dollar.

As a base, I assume a 30 L$ income per day, which is quite easy to achieve beside other activities (you know, like a job !).

The very first and obvious way is to do noting else than just stacking my L$. 30 L$ a day would mean 3334 days to obtain my 1'000'000 L$, and to rephrase it, roughly 91 years and 4 months. Wow. I don't know is Second Life will still exist then, but I will proabaly be six feet under.

The second way is to include Ginko in the calcuation, assuming the current 0.09% daily interest rate. Thanks to interests on interests, the million would be there after "only" 3818 days... which is ten and a half years.

This obviously assuming that I leave all my money by Ginko, and that Ginko has no rate change and does not go bankrupt. Quite risky, particularly if they fail after 3817 days, according to Murphy's Law.

May be it'll be a good strategy to also convert some of my L$ to US$ as far as I earn them...

Let me think while JohnLight is sunbathing... lucky avatar

Dancepads, camping and number guessing - 294.24 L$ (all by Ginko)

Some time spent on Dance Dance dancing pads. These are series of pads with different rates (from 0 to 7). You enter on the last one, and each time someone above you leaves, you go one pad up.

Obivously the first one is attractive, the top one as well, but half of the middle one are paying nothing.

I also had some camping while working on other blogs, and I rounded up to 30 L$. I had 264 L$ by Ginko, which turned with interests in 264.24L$

Startup - 264 L$ (all by Ginko Bank)

This blog will describe my quest, which is to become a millionaire in Second Life, without "buying" and Linden Dollar.

It started already a few days ago, when I created my avatar, under the Second Life name JohnLight Raymaker (pun intended).

For the time being, I discovered dancepads paying 1 L$ for 10 or 15 minutes, blackjack machines, and free games offering 1L$ if you discover a number.

I also found out that I can use Ginko Bank to obtain interest for L$ I deposit by them... but with no warranties if they collaps.

As the title explains, my goal is to become a millionaire, without buying any Linden Dollar, which would mean earning money for no or minimal effort... Each post title will contain my current Second Life "fortune".

Any comment is welcome